Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Fosters present...

Janet and John Foster were the guest speakers at the March meeting of the Tweed and District Horticultural Society. Due to the popularity of the speakers, members of the community as well as Tweed Horticultural members were invited to the presentation at the White Building.

Using a slide and video presentation, John and Janet shared their adventures, observations and wildlife encounters on their farm in Hastings County.


April 5…Master Gardener, Doris Power will discuss the “enemies” in our gardens. She will also share information about the damage these pests can cause and how they can by eradicated without the use of pesticides.

April 30Spring garden cleanup. Meet at Moira Garden @ 9:00 am


April 8-10Peterborough Garden Show at the Evinrude Centre, 911 Monoghan Road…Admission $8.00

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