Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Getting Ready for Christmas

Linda Holmes (left) and Wanita DeVries

Members of the Tweed and District Horticultural Society had a head start on Christmas decorating at the November meeting as local Tweed resident, Wanita DeVries shared ideas about using natural items in Christmas items. Wanita discussed using items from nature and previously used items to create one of a kind Christmas pieces for the holiday season.

December 6 ...Christmas Pot Luck dinner @ 6pm.  Bring your favourite pot luck dish, dessert item, plate, utensils and wine glass. There will be a video presentation highlighting the club’s work throughout 2016 and the guest speakers. Bring quarters to play the “Quarter Frenzy”….always a lot of fun!

December 10…Children are invited to create a Christmas centre piece. Greenery and supplies will be provided. The event is at the Library starting at 10 am. Please

December 16…Luncheon at Club 213 at Loyalist College.