Saturday, February 9, 2013

Winter Talk about Wildflowers

Elizabeth Churcher (left), Joan Morton (President), George Thomson.

George Thomson and Elizabeth Churcher presented a power point presentation entitled, “Wildflowers through the Seasons” at the February Tweed and District Horticultural Meeting. Both George and Elizabeth’s love of nature was evident as they spoke and shared outstanding photos taken by George. This passion for nature started when they were young children. George grew up in the Toronto area and he would bike through the many ravines in Toronto to get his “fill of nature” whereas Elizabeth who spent her early years growing up east of Bancroft merely had to step outside “get her fill”.

Now, Elizabeth and George are fortunate to be surrounded by nature at their home in Tweed known as Hepatica Hill -named after the white, pink and violet wildflowers that bloom there on sunny spring days.

Their presentation took the members on a walk through the seasons to see the many wildflowers that grow in our local area. Interesting details were given about each wildflower as it was shown on the screen and heads nodded in the audience as members recognized them.

The information provided for each wildflower displayed the presenters’ wealth of knowledge on the subject; for example,
• trout lilies can live more than 100 years
• Jack in the Puplit can be male or female in the same year
• the Ontario trillium grows very slowly and will have only one leaf for 6 years
•purple asters attract butterflies while white asters attract bees
•orange hockweed attracts butterflies due to its colour not the nectar
•native people ate succulants as a vegetable as it is high in Vitamins A and C

Their talk highlighted the colour, structure, pollination, habitat and even uses of some of our local wildflowers.

As Elizabeth said at the conclusion of the presentation, “You simply have to look to enjoy the wildflowers as they are everywhere!”.

March Meeting:

Conrad Grol, past owner of Brighton Garden Centre, will speak about pruning techniques. John Bagshaw will show members how to start their dahlias for summer and how to store the bulbs over winter.

Looking Ahead...

Bus Trip to Canada Blooms and Toronto Home Show at Direct Energy Centre, Exhibition Place, Toronto on Friday March 15, 2013. Cost $55.00 or $50.00 if purchased before Feb.9, 2013. Price includes admission to both shows and motor coach. For more info call 613-478-6850.