Garden Excursions and Special Events 2017

Garden Excursions and
Special Events for 2017

National Home Show and Canada Blooms
Friday, March 10, we will be chartering a bus to the Direct Energy Center, Exhibition Place, Toronto:  $60 if paid before February 25 or $65 for late bookings.  Price includes admission to both shows and motor coach.  Bus leaves Tweed at 7am from parking lot behind Quinn’s of Tweed.  Call Linda 613-478-6850 for more info.  If you are unable to join us, the show runs March 10 to 19, 2017.

Peterborough Garden Show
The show will take place at the Evinrude Centre, 911 Monaghan Road, Peterborough. Fri., April 7, 5 p.m. - 9 p.m., Saturday April 8, 10a.m. -5 p.m., and Sunday, April 10, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. $8.00 admission per person (children 12 and under are free with adult). For more information see The Peterborough Garden Show

District 3 Spring Annual General Meeting
Saturday, April 22 we'll be hosting this year's District 3 AGM. Members are invited to come out and help host this event. If you wish to just attend the meeting, the fee is $20 per person and you must pre-register.


 Annual Plant Sale
Saturday May 20 at 8 am at the Tweed Memorial Park:  Members are asked to plant their plants by early May for best display.  Please attach a label.  If you have a large quantity of one variety of flowers, it would be nice if you can supply a colour photo wrapped in plastic to help sell the plant.  All plant material should arrive by 7am.  The proceeds of this event help fund the planting of the town flower beds and will also help to fund the paving of the garden paths at Moira Gardens. Donations of plants and bulbs from friends and neighbours are also welcome. Please call Joan 613-478-6115 if you know someone who wishes to downsize thier garden and would like to donate plant material.

Paper Flower Workshop
June 10, 10 a.m. adult and children paper flower making workshop at the Library. Limited to 16 people. Pre-register at the Library. All children must be accompanied by an adult for this workshop. Each registered person needs to bring a hot glue gun, clear glue and an extension cord. Paper supplies will be supplied. 

Tweed Agricultural Fair
July 7-9. We encourage our members to enter the Tweed Fair exhibits on Friday and bring in some of their spring planters or flowers to set up a Club display Saturday at the fair.

Bus Trip to Mosaicanada 150
July 13. Come explore Mosaicanada 150 at Jacques-Cartier Park in Gatineau, QC as they host the biggest horticultual event in Canada. We'll visit Gatineau then on to Byward Market in Ottawa for lunch and on the way home, we'll stop at Kiwi Gardens in Perth to see the plants and art. Price $45 per person.

OHA Convention
July 21-23. District 19 will be hosting the OHA 111th Convention in Richmond Hill. Come join fellow OHA members from across the province and share in a wide range of gardening events and speakers.

Children’s Workshop-Monarch Butterflies
In early September , Tweed and District Horticulture will be supporting local young people as they participate in a Monarch Butterfly breeding project.  As we work with our youth, they will be able to witness each stage in the metamorphosis of the Monarch Butterfly and ultimately, release the adults for their journey southward.  They will learn that the fall generation of monarchs is known as the super generation and is able to fly 4 000 km to their winter destination in the mountains of Mexico!   The children can bid them farewell and then anticipate the possible return of their Monarch Butterflies' offspring the following growing season to pollinate our flowers.   

District 3 Fall Meeting
This meeting will be held in Belleville.  The date is to be announced at a later time.

Children’s Workshop- Christmas Ornaments
December 9 at 10 a.m. at the Tweed Library:   Children are to pre-register at the Library. The children will make a Christmas c Greens ornament. All supplies to make this project will be provided. 

Loyalist Luncheon
December 15 at noon, we will have a Christmas Lunch in Club 213 at Loyalist College.  Approx. Price is $18 per person. Payment is required for seat reservation.  A limited number of seats will be available. No refunds are allowed once seats are reserved one week prior to date.