Saturday, December 15, 2012

Happy Holidays

The Tweed and District Horticultural Society held their annual Christmas Potluck dinner on Tuesday December 4, 2012. The tables were beautifully decorated with poinsettia plants, fresh evergreen boughs trimmed with ribbons and dozens of colourful balls. A delicious turkey and ham dinner complete with stuffing, gravy and mashed potatoes gave the members an early Christmas feast. And the desserts….well the table resembled a bakery with several varieties of pies, squares, Christmas cookies and even yummy toffee! The poinsettias and beautiful outdoor arrangements were won by several lucky members.

Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2013!

The next meeting will be Tuesday February 5, 2013 at the Tweed Library. Memberships will be on sale at the meeting…. $12.00 individual and $16.00 family.