Friday, September 9, 2011

Cooking in September

Drew Ferguson and Steve Nicholson, chefs from Loyalist College in Belleville were the guest speakers at the Tweed and District Horticultural Society September meeting. Drew admitted that it was quite a challenge to “have a cooking class without a kitchen” but he managed to give the members a great evening filled with information and yummy treats to sample.

Drew spent some time speaking about water buffalo…meat that is very low in fat. However, the milk products from the water buffalo are very high in fat. As Drew said, “You can’t win them all!”

Drew spent part of the evening providing tips about growing garlic as that is what he is known for in the Tweed area. In a 4x8 plot, he can grow 100 plants. He recommends using organic materials to help the bulbs grow. Although he uses straw to keep the weeds out of the garden plot, he told members not to till the straw into the soil at the end of the season as it is too much fiber for the soil.

Drew and Steve served members water buffalo meatballs and a pasts dish with “Pronto Tomato Sauce”….as Drew said with all the tomatoes in people’s gardens, he thought this recipe would be a good way for members to use their tomatoes without having to cook sauce for hours on a hot summer day! For the sauce he used tomatoes (suggested Roma tomatoes), red onion, fresh basil, salt, pepper and garlic scap. As usual, Drew doesn’t give exact measurements!! The sauce can be heated and mixed with pasta (as the chefs did at the meeting) or used as bruscetta on bread or served over chicken……members raved about the sauce and some lucky members won some sauce as the door prizes!

NEXT MEETING: October 4, 2011

A local supplier will speak about what is involved in growing apples. President Janet Kennedy encouraged members to bring apple creations…either a craft or food to share for the meeting!