Monday, June 24, 2013

Flowerama is on the Horizon

From Linda Holmes:
July 1st is coming soon. Does any one have pictures that can be used for the display.  Please
call Joan so she can organize the boards.
At 7 am on the 1st we will be setting  up the tent and many hands will make light work.
Any cut flower arrangements, vases, planters, house plants, roadside arrangements will
be greatly appreciated.
This may be the last year unless we can get more volunteers
Hope to see you there.
Please pass this message along to other members

Monday, June 10, 2013

Penny Vance (left) and Donna Fano with the mushroom display board.
Donna Fano spoke about mysteries of mushrooms in the Quinte area at the June meeting of the Tweed and District Horticultural Society. Through her power point presentation, Donna shared many types of mushrooms with the audience.

 Often people don’t want mushrooms growing in their lawns. According to Donna, mushrooms help to gather water for trees, plants and lawns…so they are a good thing to have growing in lawns. In return for providing water, the trees and plants produce carbohydrates for the mushrooms that are unable to do this.

Donna provided the audience with several keys to mushroom identification…caps, gills, attachment to cap, stalk, base, smell, taste(be careful of this!!!), habitat and season of growth. Donna continually cautioned the audience about tasting mushrooms….start by tasting a very small amount to ensure that your digestive system can tolerate it.

Numerous photos showed the audience the wide range of mushrooms that grow in the Quinte area.


July 1stFlowerama at the Park
Tent set-up….7:00 am
Bring groupings of cut flowers, house plants and planters for display under the Big Top! Remember to pick up plants at 4:00 pm
Photo display…submits 4x6 photos (not used in 2012) on 5x7 card stock. Include name on back. Hand in to Library or call Joan for pick-up by June 15th.

July 6thFriends of the Tweed Library Garden Tour. Call Terry daSilva for more info-613-478-1791

August 6th...Pot Luck Dinner. Bring chair, cup, plate and cutlery and your favourite pot luck dish and dessert to share! Don’t forget your appetite!

August 17thClean-up of town flower beds prior to Elvis Festival…9 am

September 3rd...Judy Wall of Rock Wall Gardens in Perth will be the guest speaker at the meeting. Judy will suggest hardy drought tolerant plants for rock gardens.