Thursday, November 3, 2011

Christmas Decorating

Lynda Akey of Memory Lane in Tweed shared her designing secrets at November’s Horticultural meeting. As Lynda designed the wreath, she talked about some of the “dos and don’ts” to follow when creating floral pieces.

Some wreath designing tips the members learned during the evening….

•when placing lights on a wreath (need approximately 100 for a 30 inch wreath) start with the plug at the base of the wreath

•”fluffing up the wreath” gives the wreath dimension and removes that flat look

•work on the wreath with the lights plugged in

•use three sizes of decorations and use an odd number of the same decoration

•decorate the side so the wreath as well as the front

•if in doubt about a certain decoration….leave it off!!

Lynda recommended using 3M Command Strips to hang up swags on a wall, over a door or around the corners of a door frame.

Members were reminded about the Loyalist Luncheon on Friday December 2 at Loyalist College. Cost is approximately $13.00.

During the months of November and December, Connon Nursery will give 10% of purchase back to Horticultural Clubs…remember to take your Membership card when you are Christmas shopping!

NEXT MEETING: December 6 at 6 pm…..Christmas potluck. Bring your favourite dish. Don’t forget your plates, mug and cutlery.

A Thank You for Us

Al McNeill, chair of the Municipality of Tweed Public Library Board, presents Janet Kennedy, president of the Tweed and area Horticultural Society with a plaque in recognition of the work done by members of the Hort Society to beautify the front entrance of the Library. Hort members, under the direction of Jean Clark, designed and planted the Library gardens this summer.