Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Adapting to Change

Elizabeth Churcher, John Wilson and George Thomson talk about coping with changing climate conditions.
John Wilson, Elizabeth Churcher and George Thomson shared their strategies for coping with changing climate conditions in their gardens at the February meeting of the Tweed and District Horticultural Society.

George and Elizabeth are nature columnists with The Tweed News and have been members of the Tweed Horticultural Society for 10 years, and John is the former owner of the organic blueberry patch in Tweed.

According to George, the average global temperature is rising and this can cause unpredictable weather patterns to develop causing temperature extremes, droughts and flooding. Gardeners need to develop strategies to cope with these unpredictable and often severe weather conditions.

John discussed “local effects” of climate change. With varying amounts of rainfall, there needs to be changes made in our growing methods; like raised beds and seed selection to cope with the climate change. John stressed the need to grow our own food and get our children and grandchildren interested in gardening. Rain barrels, crop rotation, feeding the soil, protecting plants, building cold frames are all ways to help plants combat change.

Elizabeth highlighted the importance of “Pest Control”. Gardeners need to identify pests and familiarize themselves with their life cycles in order to eliminate them. She suggested keeping records of the pests as a way to develop awareness and control them before they multiply. Pollinators are also important for gardens and gardeners need to ensure that the pollinators have a place to live in their gardens.  Herb gardens are good for pollinators and adding flowers among vegetables helps with pollination.

The three speakers concluded by suggesting the need to be in harmony with our planet and at the same time enjoy the beauty, diversity and challenge of our gardens.


March 1 Meeting….”Stories from the Wild” with John and Janet Foster. Through a slide presentation, John and Janet will share their adventures, observations and wild life encounters on their farm in Hastings County. NOTE: This special event will be held at the White Building at the Fairgrounds in Tweed. Admission $3.00 for non-members.

March 11… Bus Trip to National Home Show and Canada Blooms at the Direct Energy Centre in Toronto
Cost…$58.00 before February 11/$65.00 after that date.

Price includes admission to both shows and motor coach. Bus leaves Tweed at 7 am from the parking lot behind Quinn’s of Tweed. For more information, contact Linda @613-478-6850

March 15…Hypertufa Workshop at Stonepath Greenhouse. Cost is $20 with materials supplied. Plants will be left there for 2 weeks to cure. Once cured, the plants can be picked up or you can arrange to attend a planting workshop to fill your container at an additional fee. Must pre-register and pay by March 1,

March 18-21…International Home and Garden Show at Metro Convention Centre in Toronto

March 11-20…National Home Show and Canada Blooms at Direct Energy Centre, Exhibition Place, Toronto

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