Monday, December 19, 2016

Members of the Tweed and District Horticultural Society welcomed the festive season with their annual Christmas Pot Luck dinner at the December meeting. Tables covered in bright red tablecloths and decorated with evergreen boughs intertwined with beads, ornaments and poinsettia plants created a very “holly jolly” feeling to the meeting room at the Tweed Library.

The dinner was just as amazing as some of our members’ gardens…..roast turkey, quiche, and a wonderful variety of salads, meatballs, veggie trays, potatoes and several vegetable casseroles. The dessert tables were filled with cookies platters, pecan pie, raspberry pie, cakes, tarts and squares…a wonderful variety for that sweet tooth that we all have during the holiday season!  Punch, wine, tea and coffee completed the menu!

Ruth Mahoney (left) receives her five-year membership pin from President
Elizabeth Churcher (centre) and Past President Joan Morton.

Several members were presented  with their 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 year pins to recognize their years of service to the club. Congratulations to these members!

Members enjoyed Linda Holmes’ annual video presentation that showcased the speakers and club activities during 2016. Many thanks to Linda for coordinating this presentation as it was certainly enjoyed by all.

Then it was time for “Quarter Frenzy”….a bidding game that used quarters to bid. Laughter and the sound of quarters dropping into cups could be heard throughout the room. Lots of excitement as members bid for the prizes…and several members won more than one prize!!!! Members were also given the opportunity to win a poinsettia plant….lots of fun was had by all!!!

Wishing all our members a joyous holiday season and best wishes for 2017!

NOTE: First meeting for 2017 will be Tuesday February 7th @ 7:00 pm at the Tweed Library.
Annual memberships will be on sale at the meeting.

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