March 7
Organic Lawn Care by Astrid Muschalla
Astrid, a Master Gardener and garden designer who promotes biodiversity and conservation of indigenous plants in home landscapes and public areas, will share information with us about how to care for our lawns without the use of chemicals. Astrid has a holistic approach, promoting a conscious way of living through sustainable and organic practices.
April 4
Preparing Soil for Plainting with Doug Gabelman
Local organic vegetable gardener Doug Gabelman will give a presentation on best ways to prepare soil for growing.
May 2
Marjorie Mason presents "Inspirations from Gardens Around the World"
Marjorie Mason, author and talk show host from Mason House Gardens in Uxbridge, will be sharing with us a slide show of world gardens she has visited. She will share how many of these new garden ideas can be used by us in our gardens. She'll also bring plant material for show and sale. Cash only.
June 6
John Poland presents "A Lifetime of Gardening"
Growing up on a nursery in England, John Poland developed a love for gardening by observing and assisting his father. The interest and skills that he developed in these early years serve him well in his retirement. On a large plot of land in the Kingston area, John coordinates the growing of pollinator and vegetable gardens. In his PowerPoint presentation, he will provide insights into his gardening experiences throughout his lifetime.
July 7-9
Tweed Agricultural Fair
Our local fair is an important part of our community. This year's theme is "Proud to be Canadian". Again this year we will be setting up a floral and club display at the fair. We encourage members to support the fair by bringing in items to display at the fair and to enter some of the categories we will be sponsoring. The full listing of the fair entries is online at
August 1
Potluck Dinner at the Derrington's
Members and partners will enjoy a potluck dinner at Dave and Rhonda Derrington. Remember to bring your chair, your favourite potluck main dish and dessert, cup, plate and utensils.
September 5
Creative Cooking with Club Members
Elizabeth Churcher, Janet Kennedy and Penny Vance will be sharing some creative ideas on cooking your garden produce. Samples and recipes will be available.
October 3
Fermenting with Jenna Empey
Jenna Empey has over 10 years experience in organic agriculture and fermentation. Marrying the two, she began an artisanal business in Prince Edward County that would focus on the natural fermentation of sauerkrauts, kimchi, brined vegetables and pickles. For more info, visit her website at
November 7
Christmas Decorations with Greenery - Roseanne Ballast
Roseanne, of Stonepath Greenhouses, will demonstrate some Christmas outside and inside decorations using local greenery and other natural products.
also the
Annual General Meeting
and volunteer hours are due to Jean Clark by Nov. 15
December 5
Potluck Christmas Dinner - 6 p.m.
Come enjoy an evening with fellow members to celebrate the end of another gardening year. Due to popular demand, we'll have another video presentation showing our work and our speakers from 2017. And bring your quarters for "Quarter Frenzy". Bring your favourite potluck dish, dessert item, plate, utensils and wine glass. The dinner is open to members and spouses only.