Saturday, December 6, 2014

A Holiday Celebration of Food and Fun

THS members enjoy the bounty of the Christmas pot luck to help celebrate the season.

The annual Tweed and District Horticultural Society’s Christmas potluck dinner proved to be a wonderful way to usher in the 2014 festive season! Fresh evergreen boughs with Santa figurines and poinsettias decorated the tables.

Once again the outstanding culinary talents of the group were evident. Roast turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, turnips, homemade lasagna, meatballs, salads and even homemade bread made by one of the members were just some of the delicious choices available to members. The dessert table was a feast in itself….pies, cookies, squares, and Yule logs…absolutely scrumptious!

After the dinner, Linda Holmes shared her video presentation of the Club’s activities during 2014….the club was certainly active in the community! The video was enjoyed by all and thank you to Linda for creating it.

Members were invited to play an “auction-like game” using quarters for bids. Lots of laughter could be heard in the room as members won the prizes and members reminded each other “to add your quarter to the dish after your bid”. Some members even gave their prize to another member who they isn’t that the true meaning of the Christmas season! Fantastic prizes were won by lucky members as well as the poinsettias on the tables. Another successful and fulfilled pot luck dinner!
President Joan Morton preps her of many sweets in our abundant pot luck buffet.

Wishing all our members a happy holiday season and best wishes for the New Year!


Next meeting will be Tuesday February 3, 2015 @ 7 pm. Annual memberships will be on sale at the meeting.