Friday, March 9, 2012

Sweet Talk

Liz Corbett and Mary VanderDussen were the guest speakers at the March Meeting of the Tweed and District Horticultural Society. The topic of the meeting was the importance of honeybees and pollination.

Through a power point presentation, Liz “whose life is bees” showed members the role that honeybees played in the nature’s ecosystem.

Bees are the most financially feasible way for farmers to improve the quality of their crops. One third of all agricultural crops require pollination. Pollination by bees improves the quality of the crop which in turn leads to more income for the farmer and supplies more food for the consumer at lower prices….a “win win situation”

Bees are the most efficient pollinators and their hives can be transported from orchard to orchard or field to field. This does cause some trauma to the bees.

How can we as gardeners help promote pollination in our gardens….

•plant flowers that will bloom throughout spring, summer and fall

•have a water source in the garden

•let dandelions grow!

•asters, clover and golden rod are important sources of pollen…plant them!

•allow pollen producing plants to grow around the perimeter of fields…golden rod, clover

The informative presentation concluded with a short video clip…”Wings of Life” that captured the essence of the presentation.

For more info about bees, the following websites were given:

1. Quinte Beekeepers Association…

2. Ontario Beekeepers Association…

Honey, pollen, beeswax candles and skin cream are available at their store Twin Sisters Hive and Honey Products located at 231 Frankford Rd. Stirling. The store is open Saturdays starting mid April. Call for more info 613-827-7277

APRIL MEETING…Tuesday April 3, 2012

Don Clost of Connon Nurseries will speak about the operation of Garden Centres.

The annual bus trip to Canada Blooms at the Direct Energy Centre in Toronto is Friday March 16. Cost is $55. Price includes admission and motor coach.


The annual show is April 5-7 at the Evinrude Centre in Peterborough. Admission is $6.00. A group from the Hort Group will be carpooling on Friday April 6th from Quinn’s Parking lot in Tweed at 8:45 am.